Information about the practice owner and medical team
Information about the different specialties and practice areas
Information about opening hours, appointment options and doctor's office hours
Information on after-hours emergency and urgent care services, or emergency numbers and contacts for medical emergencies outside of office hours
Information on directions and parking in the area of the practice
Patient rights policy, medication prescriptions, refills, privacy policy
Information about the practice's equipment and medical devices
More information about the practice's exam rooms and treatment areas.
Information about waiting areas and waiting times for patients
Information about medical examinations and diagnostic techniques at the practice
Procedures for Laboratory Tests and Blood Drawing
Details on how to prepare for a doctor's visit or test
Information about health screenings and preventive care
Information about immunization programs and recommendations for vaccinations
Answers to frequently asked questions on various topics that may be relevant to guests (pet friendliness, reception hours, etc.)
Information can be provided in different languages (patients of different origins/cultures).
Information on services for special patient groups such as children, seniors or pregnant women
Educational materials about common diseases and health problems
Details about accessibility for patients with special needs
Instructions on emergency exits, fire alarms, and other safety precautions
Instructions on how to submit concerns or complaints and how concerns and complaints are handled
All contact details so that patients can easily reach you if they have any questions or concerns (phone number, fax, email address, ...)